Author: Jonathan Levine

  • Freeze Dried Cold Cereal

    I get it.  They are expensive.  But owning a freeze dryer opens up a world of possibilities, blending creativity, convenience, and long-term sustainability.  Preserving your favorite fruits, vegetables, herbs, meats, and even entire prepared meals is a joy and wonder.  Nutrition, food quality, and freshness are locked in with a push of a button or two and these qualities…

    Overhead view of a child eating a bowl of cereal at a wooden table.
  • Garden Planning in a Snow Storm

    It’s the first week of December and while astronomically it’s still autumn, a look out the kitchen window tells me it’s really winter.  There’s 3-4 inches of snow on the ground and the low last night was 17°F.  I’m burning up the last week of my vacation (use it or lose it).  That makes it the perfect time…

    Woman working on planning at a potting bench as the snow flys outdoors
  • An Easy to Make Chili MRH

    I’m not aware if anyone else uses the term, Meal Ready to Hydrate or MRH, but it’s one that I use for freeze dried meals that are as simple as add water, wait, and eat. Kind of the way that an MRE, Meal Ready to Eat, is heat, open, eat. This recipe uses a commercially…

  • Bags, Kits, and Tubs

    I’ve spent a lot of time, money, and resources lately on re-building up a set of Get Home Bags for my adult children that live within about 50 miles of my home. Originally, I had built them bags based upon the Bug Out Bag mindset. I’m not certain how I eventually came to the conclusion,…